Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Robert Describes How Invisalign Has Improved His Smile

Manhattan cosmetic dentist Dr. Steven Glassman worked with Robert to improve his smile and straighten his bite with Invisalign. In the video, Robert explains how happy he is to see the improvement to his smile, and the boost in confidence that has come with it.

We are also excited to announce that Dr. Steven Glassman was awarded the Invisalign Premier Provider status for 2010, making Glassman Dental Care one of the top Invisalign providers in the country!

Glassman Dental Care is a cosmetic dental practice in the Upper West Side of Manhattan. Drs. Steven and Debra Glassman and internationally recognized, and work with many celebrity patients to improve their smiles. Learn more about Invisalign on our web site today!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Patient Feature - Sinorice Moss Launches Dare to Dream

Patient Sinorice Moss of the New York Giants launches Dare to Dream, which helps high-schoolers set and meet target dreams. An article featuring the program was recently published in the Wall Street Journal.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Dr. Debra featured in 'Beauty and the Burbs'

Dr. Debra was recently featured on Beauty and the Burbs, a fashion and beauty tip blog, to discuss oral health and whiter teeth. Check out the article today!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Manhattan Celebrity Dentist Teeth Whitening Promo featured in

Have you ever wondered how celebrities maintain their vibrant, white smiles? Dr. Debra Glassman helped to answer this age-old question on Elle Magazine's web site, in an article entitled "Teeth Whitening: Celebrity Dentists’ Tips for a Brighter Smile".

In the article, Dr. Glassman, along with other top celebrity dentists, provides simple tips and strategies for a brighter smile. For example, did you know that fruits high in citric acid can erode tooth enamel away? If you are a heavy coffee or tea drinker, it is also important to wash your mouth with water afterward to stop stains from forming, as Dr. Glassman explains.

Professional in-office teeth whitening can also be an effective solution, at at Glassman Dental Care, we specialize in whitening procedures, which typically take around 45 mintues, and improve the whiteness of your teeth by 8 to 10 shades! You can read the entire article by clicking here. Call our Manhattan dental practice today to learn more about the cosmetic whitening procedures we offer, or visit our web site!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Invisalign Open House - July 21st

Join us for our Invisalign Open House, Wednesday, July 21, 2010. If you’re uncomfortable with your teeth, you could be holding back who you really are. But Invisalign’s clear, custom-designed aligners can be an inconspicuous and removable way to get a beautiful new smile. Many complex cases that once required braces can be treated with Invisalign, often in about a year. So come to our Invisalign only day and see if Invisalign is right for you. And let the real you bloom with a new smile.

Straight Teeth are within reach. Call today for a free, no--obligation consultation. We will even provide complimentary teeth whitening when you begin treatment with Invisalign. Offer expires July 21st, 2010. You can also check out some of our incredible patient testimonials on our web site.